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Blogi | Tomek Q. Pietrzak. Impact factor w meandrach zoologii; polski rozdział.
(2012) Distribution updates of Carnivora in Tien Shan: short letter by Tomasz Pietrzak
Dodano: 2025-01-15 16:03:31 | Wyświetleń: 129
To understand the current status of species-of-interest, there is a need to undertake a comprehensive monitoring of key populations. On the basis of interviews with locals, available biological samples in the form of blood, skins etc. and with non-invasive work such as camera-trapping, UAV and other activities, we have expected some results. To obtain some more sampling-effort we use hair traps and cage traps - with bait locations to extra-job in the form of additional small surveys.
In the age of extinction of populations of larger vertebrates, there are no recent records in western Tian Shan - those creature as central Asian cyjon volk (Cuon alpinus hesperius) but other animals such central Asian lynx (Lynx lynx isabellinus), dzu-teh bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus) and Tian shan badger (Meles meles leptorhynchus) and then kazakhstan wolverine (Gulo borealis) species were in continuous shrink in the past, but populations regrown somewhat.
We have records to do as best as we can to or reintroduce hesperius dhole (called in 19-th century as "Canis silvestris") from Qinghai-Gansu Region population (due to expected large number of animals there) or to make it possible to natural recolonise Pamirs and Tian -Shan Highlands from Kuen-lun Range or Altai, respectively, where there are resident populations as we have been informed. And following this we are able to monitor those populations and study them and save for the future in the name of planet conservation.
Posted Q.

Paul Brummell ·20082.Conservation in the U.S.S.R.
Julia Field, Henry Field ·1967·3.Mountain Research and Development.
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