KryptoZoo | Blogi | Tomek Q. Pietrzak. Impact factor w meandrach zoologii; polski rozdział. (2012-2024)

Tomasz Q. Pietrzak. 2014. Inwentorium nauki jako exploratory framework: luchowicz-gabinet-press.

Dodano: 2024-07-13 18:19:58 | Wyświetleń: 280


w dniu lipca 08, 2014

charakterystyka artykułu. 
Vertebrate pioneering continent is partnership for people and przyrody i.e. migratories wildlife from Inner Asia. What is speciesism and why it is wrong. The project is about agriculture’s, customs and futuristics and legacy of the smart work, we hired vehicle for the non-invasive inventory. It is also about other projects for preserving the culture and nature landscapes of Caucasus and Azja. We are coherently work for support the populations and ecology of the wild organisms, it is about scientific work and diffucult-to-explore biomes, where coexist people and native populations. Camera traps and innovative gadgets has been used for detected other living creatures (Rovero and Zimmermann, 2012). Mineralogical research has been defines. It is about quest for the large inhabitants of Patagonia and montagne Andes, where occured in historical times something resembles small race of mapinguari, the creature with long snout and thick brownish-and-naval fur, recorded by last true gauchos and giant flightless birds (patagonian monsters: 2010, 2014). We not confirmed aby expedition in the name of Alex von Humboldt and the zoologist with pseudonym Copernicus is involved with project devoted creating the pleistocene park of yakuthians and there is unknown zoo in Switzerland, where we started project to breed of uncommon generations - giant binturong of Murung River of Borneo (Journal,?), the mountain human, better known as agash-kishi of Caucaus (Crypto-logos 1996) and "lake mammal creature" from Temki and Ennedi (Nitro Express Forum, 2014). It is about journey to wild ranges in quest of quadruped breeds from refugias, those looks like amphibians and other forms of afrikanskie wildlife of jungles, highlands and exotic bush, such as, wild dogs, ungulates, afrothers  and rodents and so on.



Other wildlife and races of wild genres was not yet surveyed in the wild and there are freshwater eels and ichtyofauna - called cryptozoological affairs. We studied UFO phenomena, unusual pelt of wolverine kind - gathered by society Soyuzpushnina in former Soviet Union (Information Bulletin 1947)and we travelled with the descendants of denisiovians. Our leading journalist explored wild coast of South America and Afrika and the regions almost legendary, where fauna and flora are virtually forgotten (Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology 2002). We surveyed the coastal habitats and looking for the animals called cephalopods and the giant invertebrates of wild Asia. We confirmed via presence the population - called wild reptile and the herpetofauna research was carried out on the East. 



De-extinction, also known as resurrection biology, or species revivalism, is the process of generating an organism that is either an extinct species or resembles an extinct species. We visited obserwatorium naukowe and the eco-friendly building called stacje zoologiczno-badawcza, where we resurrected the populations and generations extirpated and extincit in historical times. We met scientist who passed the menthal methamorphosis. He explained that scientisism is so pervasive today—it is the intellectual and cultural air that we breathe.

/// @thomasquatl


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