KryptoZoo | Blogi | Tomek Q. Pietrzak. Impact factor w meandrach zoologii; polski rozdział. (2012-2024)

Thomas Quatl 2017. Preserve the wild inner azjatyckie. informacja prasowa.

Dodano: 2024-07-19 16:52:28 | Wyświetleń: 363


Population seeking and exploring unknown natural landscapes and habitats are challanges in nowadays for zoologists, mineralogists, geographers and explorers. Expeditions are needed in such regions for some discoveries in science. Step by step initiative of diagnosis is needed in Wilderness of chinese Turkestan, Sogdiana Country between Oksos i Jaksartes, Greater Khorasan and others. It is more precise, to know which scientific inventories devoted research of wild animals and human populations are most important. Mountainous Irtysh, The lands on the south, chinese montagnes on the east are still little explored. Important terrains for discovery of wilds of Inner Asia are Tian Shan. Conservation implies more sections for detailed studies of wildlife populations. More scientific travels and studies are insights into understanding unique populations of tetrapods of Quazaqstan, Gansuh Pass and Valleys of Sichuan and others.

x those mentioned before are unknown by natural history, by the way. Implications of those studies are important in proper form, obviously. Somewhere in the hills and valleys.

1. Project concerning identification of mammalian carnivore populations living in the wild Sichuan Alps and Central Chinese Massif.
2. Inventory in West Tien Shan Range and Ugam-Pskem Massif: preliminary results of long-term studies using ethnozoological survey and camera trapping (revealling the population of any large animal living in the region for a very long time).
3. Megafauna reported anecdotal from Borohoro Shan and other stories. Understanding wildlife populations from Sichuan Alps, Montanges of Chinois and Great Khorostan are key challenges in future studies of Asia and this natural world.

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